2022 Titanic Exhibition Centre Belfast
Join us at the Northern Ireland National Manufacturing & Supply Chain Conference & Exhibition, taking place on the 23rd of June in TEC Belfast.
We will be demonstrating the amazing Emuge-Franken PowRgrip ultra high pressure, low runout, super fast tool clamping system. PowRgrip is faster and safer than heat shrink systems with no burn risk and no requirement for heat to build or dissipate.
Also on display will be examples of high quality angle heads for machining centres and live tooling for lathes from Madaula SA. A technical expert from Madaula will be available to answer questions or discuss your requirements for their products.
Take the opportunity to have a close look at some top quality tooling such as EcoTurn from Tungaloy, S117 lathe broaching from P Horn or TA-Pro drilling tools from Allied Machine.